1. Which statement is true of Virtual Machine Instances in Google Compute Engine?
In Compute Engine, a VM is a networked service that simulates the features of a computer.
VMs in Compute Engine are a collection of networked services. This includes disks (persistent disks) which are network-attached. In some cases the GCP VM behaves unlike hardware or other kinds of virtual machines, for example, when a multi-tenant virtual CPU “”bursts””, using excess capacity beyond the VM spec.

2. What are sustained use discounts?
Automatic discounts that you get for running specific Compute Engine resources for a significant portion of the billing month
That’s correct! Sustained use discounts are automatic discounts that you get for running specific Compute Engine resources (vCPUs, memory, GPU devices) for a significant portion of the billing month. To take advantage of the full 30% discount, create your VM instances on the first day of the month, because discounts reset at the beginning of each month.

3. Which statement is true of persistent disks?
Persistent disks are encrypted by default.
Persistent Disks are not physical disks, they are a virtual-networked service. Each persistent disk remains encrypted either with system-defined keys or with customer-supplied keys.

카테고리: GCP

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