1. In GCP, what is the minimum number of IP addresses that a VM instance needs?
One: Only an internal IP address
That’s correct! In GCP, each virtual machine needs to have an internal IP address. The external IP address is optional; therefore, a VM instance only needs one IP address.

2. What are the three types of networks offered in the Google Cloud Platform?
Default network, auto network, and custom network.
The default-type network established fixed standard subnetworks with predefined IP ranges and it is fast to setup. The auto-type network uses the same subnet IP ranges as the default-type, with a network name other than default. And custom-type allows you to specify the IP ranges of subnets.

3. What is one benefit of applying firewall rules by tag rather than by address?
When a VM is created with a matching tag, the firewall rules apply irrespective of the IP address it is assigned.
When a VM is created the ephemeral external IP address is assigned from a pool. There is no way to predict which address will be assigned, so there is no way to write a rule that will match that VM’s IP address before it is assigned. Tags allow a symbolic assignment that does not depend on order in the IP addresses. It makes for simpler, more general, and easier to maintain, firewall rules.

카테고리: GCP

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