1. No resources in GCP can be used without being associated with…
A project. : All resources in GCP are tracked and their consumption is logged against a project. A project relates resources to a billing method.

2. A budget is set at $500 and an alert is set at 100%. What happens when the full amount is used?
A notification email is sent to the Billing Administrator. : Budgets in GCP are not a way to prevent spending or stop resources. They are a tool for raising awareness about the consumption of resources so that a business can implement its own consumption management processes.

3. How do quotas protect GCP customers?
By preventing uncontrolled consumption of resources. : Quotas are established at reasonable defaults for common cloud usage and proof of concept activities. If you are planning to scale up a production cloud solution you may need to request that the quotas be raised. This is a reasonable checkpoint to verify that actions that might result in a large consumption of resources are reviewed.

카테고리: GCP

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