1. Choose fundamental characteristics of cloud computing. Mark all that are correct (4 correct responses).
Customers can scale their resource use up and down
Resources are available from anywhere over the network
Computing resources available on-demand and self-service
Customers pay only for what they use or reserve

2. Choose a fundamental characteristic of devices in a virtualized data center.
They are manageable separately from the underlying hardware.

3. What type of cloud computing service lets you bind your application code to libraries that give access to the infrastructure your application needs?
Platform as a Service

4. What type of cloud computing service provides raw compute, storage, and network, organized in ways that are familiar from physical data centers?
Infrastructure as a Service

5. Which statement is true about the zones within a region?
The zones within a region have fast network connectivity among them.

6. What kind of customer benefits most from billing by the second for cloud resources such as virtual machines?
Customers who create and run many virtual machines

카테고리: GCP

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