1. True or False: Google Cloud Load Balancing allows you to balance HTTP-based traffic across multiple Compute Engine regions.
True : Correct! With global Cloud Load Balancing, your application presents a single front-end to the world.

2. Which statement is true about Google VPC networks and subnets?
Networks are global; subnets are regional

3. An application running in a Compute Engine virtual machine needs high-performance scratch space. Which type of storage meets this need?
Local SSD

4. Choose an application that would be suitable for running in a Preemptible VM.
A batch job that can be checkpointed and restarted

5. How do Compute Engine customers choose between big VMs and many VMs?
Use big VMs for in-memory databases and CPU-intensive analytics; use many VMs for fault tolerance and elasticity

6. How do VPC routers and firewalls work?
They are managed by Google as a built-in feature.

7. A GCP customer wants to load-balance traffic among the back-end VMs that form part of a multi-tier application. Which load-balancing option should this customer choose?
The regional internal load balancer

8. For which of these interconnect options is a Service Level Agreement available?
Dedicated Interconnect

카테고리: GCP

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